Linux Tips: Easy Aliases

What is an Alias? An alias is a global variable set by linux that can be freely called in terminals and scripts once defined.

Goodwill Chest Upgrade - Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

Well that took a while!! 8 months later, and I’m still working on this project.


Puerto Morelos Unam University Lab Trip

Cool New Job

Being geeky in Petco ended up getting me my dream job Job Description I am working under a Professor that has assigned me to designing the setup of the currently empty lab meant for doing tests on sps coral.

Goodwill Chest Upgrade

A search for cheap Goodwill sweaters led me to 0 sweaters and 1 chest too big to fit in my car.

QR Guitar Experiment

Inception My first guitar was a beat up acoustic American Standard that had been through many years of not-so-great care.

On the Future of VR

While participating in HackPSU Spring ‘16, my team decided to stretch the idea of immersive gaming to another level.

A New Blog!

My name is Adam Musciano, and I'm a developer. I've decided to start a blog to act as a repository for my ideas, goals, and reflections.


Rasperry Pi Camera Glasses

A project that stemmed from a Latin class project. Meant to allow me to drive and take pictures by just pressing a button… Dash cams existed, I don’t know what I was thinking.


Making Electric Ukuleles

In 2014, I made some ukuleles: